
I am a PhD student in computer science at Harvard University, advised by Prof. Milind Tambe. My research interests span the fields of artificial intelligence, social impact, and public policy, with a particular focus on utilizing computational and mathematical approaches to tackle global development challenges. Currently, my work centers on creating algorithms to equitably and efficiently allocate resources in public health, with a particular focus on maternal and child care. I collaborate with ARMMAN in this context and also contribute to pandemic preparedness through the PIPP Phase I PILOT initiative.

Beyond my research, I am a co-founder and active organizer of the Centro de Analítica para Políticas Públicas (CAPP; Center of Analytics for Public Policy). This research initiative is dedicated to fostering the advancement of mathematics, data science, and AI for the public sector in Colombia and Latin America. I’ve also served as a co-organizer for the Machine Learning for the Developing World (ML4D) Workshop.